a typical day for DaTa ScIeNtIsT

So what’s life actually like as a data scientist? What’s a typical day?” HBS says it’s the Sexiest Job of the 21st Century. If sexy is defined as the large scale application of linear algebra to minimise cost functions – then, yes; incredibly so. 👨‍🎓 But really – here’s an average day: 6:00 AM – A quick run to promote positive endorphins (BDNF) to start the day 🏃🏻 7:30AM – Check-in to the office and grab a quick breaky. Can’t start work without those fruity sugars! 🍎 8:00AM – Quick review of Linear Algebra. Coffee makes digesting mathematics slightly easier. 📚 9:00AM – Scrum stand-up. We discuss the model(s) we’re working on / blockers we’re facing.🔎 9:15AM–12PM: Review Problem Statement Worksheets alongside hypotheses to test / prove with the SME. 12–1PM: Lunch. 1–5PM+: Variations of steps 1 – 8. 1. Code / Data Wrangle. 👨🏻‍💻 2. Work out why code doesn’t compile. 🤔 3. Re-run. 👨🏻‍💻 4. Code compiles magically. 🧙‍♂️ 5. Run the code over test set overnight. 🌝 6. Provided no errors - document insights and findings. 📝 7. Refactor code for usability into functions and callable libraries in preparation for production. 👨🏻‍💻 8. Pass code for review to another data scientist and repeat the process. 👨🏼‍🏫

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